STORY|by Margaret Blake·382 views

Identifying Your Goals Before Writing Your Business Plan

Prior to writing your business plan, you need to take time to focus on two primary goals: What you see as the goal and future direction of your business and what your goal is for writing the business plan. The Goal or Future Direction of Your Business. By identifying where you see the business going in the next one, two, or five years, you that adequately reflects your goals. our personal skills, needs, knowledge, leadership abilities, available resources, level of risk, and the nature of your business will factor into the equation when identifying your personal business goals. One of the most important aspects of is that it gives you an opportunity to do what you enjoy. If that means a two-person business, then that is what will be reflected in the business plan.

Conversely, if your goal is to build a large corporation, and you realistically feel you have the knowledge and experience to do so, then that is what your business plan will indicate. There is no size minimum or maximum for a business plan. The major differences will be reflected in the amount of details and the amount of funding you will need to achieve such goals. Related Articles: