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Illustrate – a coub is worth a thousand pictures

Remember those living portraits in Harry Potter? With Coub, you can make them real – no magic required. Take a short snippet of a fashion shoot, scenery or landscape, and loop even a slight movement together with soundtrack to change the impression completely.

How it actually works for media:

Create – coub the
best, leave the rest

Whether you’re watching Louisiana State or the State of the Union, showcase the big moments with coubs. Quickly loop and embed the big play, complete with audio – or just grab the clip from one of our millions of users.

Discover – you want it, we’ve coubed it

Writing about the latest Michael Bay movie and in need of a few good explosions? Or are you looking for 23 reasons to love J-Law? Whatever you’re after, use the Coub community to find great examples, fresh memes, and epic moments.

Find a new audience

55 mln

people watch coubs monthly

Create channel – join the club

Find new fans, follow popular creators and promote yourself within Coub community.

Go viral – meme a little meme

{:mem_1=>"There’s a link to the source video in our embed — a handy tool to promote your video.", :mem_2=>"Source video is also shown under each coub on a coub page along with a button that allows other users to create coubs from this source. Yet another way to promote your content. "}

There’s a link to the source video in our embed — a handy tool to promote your video.

Source video is also shown under each coub on a coub page along with a button that allows other users to create coubs from this source. Yet another way to promote your content.