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What is FSDT?

Financial Sector deepening trust also known as FSDT is an agency which works for market development by focusing on systemic constraints that are in the market, the overall approach of the agency is pro poor growth in the financial sector and wants to include more people to become financial literate. Tanzania is a developing country and still faces some problems like there are gaps in policy, legal and at some places regulatory framework. There has been information gap between customers and (FSP). There is also gap between low financial potential of customer and FSPs. There is also a lack of proper market structure. Demands are also not met for financial services. FSDT plays an important role in these scenarios. FSDT focuses on financial instruments which include grants, loans and guarantees.

Financial Education Strategy: A country is strong if it is financially strong. Just by implementing financial strategy the country cannot become strong. The citizens must be taught the financial literacy.

The main purpose of this project was to build the strengths of both demand and supply system so that they are able to tackle more demand and supply in future. Another purpose of RFSS was to give special attention to savings and credit cooperatives societies; they play an important role in the rural community. This institution can help the rural communities get the best financial services they deserve. National Financial Inclusion Framework: This project focuses on the problems faced in the process of inclusion at the level of Micro and Macro levels. This project aims to focus on these barriers by the use of different channels which include technology to increase the financial inclusion.