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College Tips: Should You Go To College?

Looking for some college tips? Well first of all you should consider whether or not college is your best option. College is not for everyone and if you're not going to give it your best effort, it may not be the best option. Talk to and people you trust to get college tips. Seek out a broad range of successful people and ask their opinion based on what they know about you. Then take their advice and perform a self-examination and come to your own decision about what's best for your future. Contrary to popular opinion, a college degree is neither a requirement for success nor a perfect indicator of a flourishing career. Bill Gates is the richest man in the world and he does not have a college degree so that should be proof enough that you don't need a college degree to be successful

But Bill Gates also had tremendous drive and determination to succeed so don't take his lack of a college degree the wrong way. So considering the price of a college degree, here's the $100,000 question: Is a college degree worth the cost and effort? According to the most recent data, the answer is a resounding yes so brush up on your college tips and get your college admission application in the mail. It certainly is easy to reach the conclusion that the escalating cost of tuition, room, and board are worth going into debt over. But try thinking of them as a long-term investment rather than expenses and you may think differently. More: