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How to write an essay?

How to write an essay? Essay comes from the French word "essayer", which means to try, "essai" -test. It is this original meaning of the word that relaxes a little and allows us to accept this the word as a reference to the author's non-committal work on , in which the writer is only testing himself putting thoughts together. Unfortunately, when , the original meaning of the word really only leaves us with the fact that it gives more freedom to the writer than any other genre of text. A good essay has a clear idea, logic, structure, completeness, and a distinctive and original style of presenting ideas. An essay can be can be very varied: journalistic, personal, literary, scientific, as well as different in


It can be different in its topics: geographical - travel, historical - informative, cultural, etc. The question is how to reach a level where it is possible to relate a clear thought with a non-binding test, rigorous logic with . Before writing, one must first think about one's reader and reflect on your own views and opinions, to what extent they are subjective and may be of interest to others or understandable.