A channel is a place where you collect your coubs and recoubs. Channels can be dedicated to specific topics or interests, so you can create as many channels as you want.
You create a channel when you register. This is your first one. If you want to create more, click the triangular button beside your profile pic, at the top-right of the screen and find the "Create New Channel" button.

As many as you want. Coub your favorite Cumberbatch lines, cat videos or dash cam moments, separate these interests into channels, and you’ll build stronger followings.

on your channel's page. In here, you can edit your channel's name and URL.
Use images that are relevant to the topic of your channel. 300x300p looks best for your channel pic. Other sizes are automatically cropped. You can change the picture anytime you want by clicking on it on your channel's page.
Mouse over the top of your profile – an “Edit cover” button should appear. You can either upload a picture or choose a coub (no NSFW covers , please).
Pictures must be at least 1000x400p to be used as a cover; both .jpg and .png files will work.
Coubs must be HD, and must be either public or unlisted.
To change the userpic simply mouse over it, click and choose a different image.
Mouse over the coub you want to use for your cover. If you see a SD/HD switch, it’s a HD coub.
When your coub is ready and you click “Next”, you’ll get a "Describe your coub" pop-up. You'll see a drop-down menu with all your channels. Choose the one you want, and you’re done.
Click the gear icon under your coub. Then click "edit info". Use the drop-down menu to change the channel in which the coub is featured.
Liking is tied to the channel you're in now. If you want to like from a different channel, switch by clicking the change channel button at the top of the page.
When you click recoub, you’ll get a drop-down menu with all your channels. Just choose the one(s) in which you’d like it to be recoubed by clicking them.
You can recommend other channels at the right-hand side of your channel's page. These can be your own channels or other people's channels. A “Follow” button appears beside each channel you recommend, so you can send more followers to the channels that you like, or channels that cover a related topic.
As many as you want. You can change the order by dragging the top-left corner of a recommended channel's userpic.